Keeping You Informed
Scheduling of Showings
- I will personally conduct all showings
- I will notify you of all showing requests with the time and date requested
- Showings will only take place with your confirmation
- I will arrive early and turn on all lights, and appropriate features
- After the showing, all lights and features will be turned off and doors locked
Showing FeedbackImmediately after the showing I will call, text or e-mail you from my smart phone and share my impressions of how it went. I typically am able to share the following:
- How long the prospective buyers viewed your home
- How long they have been looking for their new home
- What their time frame is to be moved into their new home
- Where they currently live
- If they have to sell their existing home to buy a new one
- The demographics of the family (approximate ages of children, if any)
- Features of competitive homes that they have already seen and liked
- Any objections they may have raised and what I said to overcome them
- If I feel we may be on their short list of homes for serious consideration
To get the prospective Buyer's final feedback, I will follow up with the buyer's agent for detailed feedback to determine their lvel of further interest and use the opportunity to overcome any of the Buye's objections that the agent may share. Once I have this feedback, I will let you know what I have learned.
Tracking The Number Of On-Line Visitors Looking At Your Home
Through my strategic alliance with key National Real Estate websites I am able to schedule weekly or bi-monthly reports to be forwarded to you directly from those sites indicating the number of visitors having viewed your home with week, this month and this year. To view the example reports from the sites listed, click on the link below.
Example On-Line Visitor Reports
- Listhub
- Zillow
- Trulia
Market Data, Performance and Trends
We think it is important to keep our clients informed of the Market Data, Performance and Trends. We provide our clients each month with the market reports published by the National Market Research Publisher, Altos Research. Additionally I created a Market Report published monthly in the award winning Real Estate Publication, Premier Properties and Life Styles, titled The State of San Diego Real Estate. This article provides a detailed breakdown of MLS reported sales for 7 Luxury area communities in San Diego County by price range and compares the historical performace of each price range and further compares the levels of existing inventory to the number of sales that have closed year to date. This information provides important trends and details to assist Sellers pricing and marketing strategies. To view the recent report and article, click below.
The State of San Diego Real Estate
CA DRE#01224870
(619) 813-5950